Fiery Spiced Roasted Chickpeas


  • 1 can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)


  1. Preheat Oven:
    • Preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius). This high temperature will help give the chickpeas a satisfying crunch.
  2. Prepare Chickpeas:
    • Start by rinsing and draining the chickpeas from the can. Pat them dry using a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Coat with Spices:
    • In a bowl, combine the chickpeas, olive oil, salt, and cayenne pepper. Adjust the amount of cayenne pepper according to your preferred level of spiciness. Mix the ingredients well to ensure that the chickpeas are evenly coated with the spicy mixture.
  4. Spread on Baking Dish:
    • Line a baking dish with raised sides (rimmed) with parchment paper or use a non-stick baking sheet. This will help prevent the chickpeas from sticking and make cleanup easier.
    • Spread the seasoned chickpeas in a single layer on the baking dish. This will allow them to roast evenly and become crispy.
  5. Roast for Crunch:
    • Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and roast the chickpeas for 15 minutes.
  6. Stir and Continue Roasting:
    • After the initial 15 minutes, remove the baking dish from the oven and give the chickpeas a gentle stir. This will ensure even roasting and prevent any burnt spots.
    • Place the chickpeas back in the oven and continue roasting for another 15 minutes, or until they reach a satisfying level of crunchiness.
  7. Cool and Enjoy:
    • Once the chickpeas are roasted to your preferred level of crunchiness, remove them from the oven.
    • Allow the roasted chickpeas to cool slightly before enjoying. As they cool, their texture will become even crunchier.

Savor the fiery kick of these Spicy Roasted Chickpeas as a delightful and nutritious snack, or add them to salads for an extra burst of flavor and texture!

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