Spiced Roasted Chickpeas Delight


  • 1 (15-oz.) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 2 tablespoons ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius).
  2. Begin by draining and rinsing the chickpeas. Gently pat them dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. This will help them become crispier during roasting.
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine the drained chickpeas with the olive oil. Toss them together until the chickpeas are evenly coated in the oil.
  4. Spread the oiled chickpeas on a baking sheet or dish in a single layer. This will allow them to roast evenly and become crispy.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast the chickpeas for about 40 minutes. To ensure even roasting, gently stir or shake the chickpeas every 10 minutes. This will prevent them from sticking and burning.
  6. While the chickpeas are roasting, prepare the spice mix. In a small bowl, combine the curry powder, ground cumin, chili powder, ground coriander, and salt. Mix the spices well to create a flavorful blend.
  7. Once the chickpeas are roasted to a golden and crispy texture, remove them from the oven. While they’re still warm, transfer the roasted chickpeas to a large mixing bowl.
  8. Sprinkle the prepared spice mix over the warm chickpeas. Use a spoon or spatula to gently toss the chickpeas, ensuring that the spices coat each one thoroughly.
  9. Allow the spiced roasted chickpeas to cool slightly before serving. They can be enjoyed as a delicious and healthy snack, or you can use them as a crunchy topping for salads, soups, or yogurt bowls.
  10. Store any leftover spiced roasted chickpeas in an airtight container to maintain their crispiness. They should stay flavorful and crunchy for several days.

Enjoy your homemade Spiced Roasted Chickpeas Delight as a satisfying and nutritious snack or a versatile topping to add a burst of flavor and crunch to your dishes!

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